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Is Calculator Allowed on Tests like MCAT, DAT, and ACT? Tips how to Handle


For many years, colleges have required students to carry a calculator on standardized tests like the MCAT and various big exam publishers like DAT and ACT. However, the days of carrying a bulky calculator with you are long gone. 

Students can use the same technology in many other parts of life. The most popular way to carry out this is through an app.

The wise thing would be to ensure that you understand how it works and where to get it so that your statistics optimization process is as smooth as possible.

Is a Calculator allowed for the following exams?

While there are major differences between MCAT vs GAMSAT, there are a number of similarities when taking the tests. That is the use of the calculator. Let us look at each.

 1. MCAT

Calculators are not allowed during the MCAT exam because the test requires students to learn and practice arithmetic calculations without assistance. Therefore, it is highly advisable that a student practice doing calculations without calculators or electronic help. This will help pass MCAT and complete the exam on time.

While you can use calculators when preparing, you cannot use it is not allowed on examination day. For example, in sections where you cannot use a calculator because of a technology restriction, such as the section on data interpretation, you will not be able to use your calculator.

This makes it better for students who take the test to handle the calculations. While MCAT is hard, it is made simpler by such allowable options.

 2. GRE

Personal calculators are not allowed on GRE exam because it is a computer-based test that requires the use of test-based apps and tools. The only calculator that is allowed on the GRE is their own on-screen calculator that they provide the exam takers. It is therefore advisable to practice how to use them before you take the test.

Therefore, you will not be allowed to use calculators. You can use a calculator if you are taking the exam on paper, but it cannot be used during the testing portion. However, you can use the one on-screen calculator instead of bringing your own. 


 While taking ISAT exams, it is important to remember that calculators will not be allowed in any test section as per ISAT rules and regulations. This means that if you have a calculator while taking your ISAT exam, you should not use it during any part of the exam, as ISAT officials will confiscate it during the exam.

In case one uses for practice, the calculator should have a minimum of five buttons and three sub-categories on its screen. It should be a scientific calculator with a base 10 number system, no memory, and no display. The results of all calculations must be displayed in words or numbers (no symbols).

 4. STEP 3

 The calculator is allowed in all the STEP 3 exams. However, it is important to note that the calculator must be used only for solving problems and not for any other purpose. Using a calculator for cheating in any exam is strictly prohibited and will lead to disqualification.

Tests Allowing Calculator Usage

It is good to note that calculators are allowed in the testing room as long as they do not interfere with other students or staff members.

This includes any type of calculator with a display screen, such as a scientific or graphing calculator.


Calculators are not allowed for NCLEX because it is a computer-based test. Calculators are provided on the computer, and you are not allowed to bring your calculator. You can use the calculator provided in the NCLEX-RN Exam software or on the computer screen. If students use a calculator during an exam, they will be marked wrong for that question.

As a computer-based test, it means calculators are not allowed. The test is scored using a scoring system that does not allow for using calculators.

 6. SIE

A calculator is prohibited in SIE exams. All calculations are made with your brain, not with a calculator. You get an extra 2-5 seconds for each question, which can get used to your advantage. It’s important to keep calm and focus on the question at hand.

 7. GMAT

The GMAT is a computer-based quantitative reasoning test, which means that calculators are not allowed. The GMAT does allow you to use a calculator, but only if it is a scientific or graphing calculator and only to enter data into the calculator.

 8. DAT

Calculators are not allowed in the DAT exam. However, you are only provided with a calculator in the quantitative reasoning section of the exam. You will have to bring your calculator in case you have one.

Why are calculators not allowed in the tests?

 Calculators are not allowed in the tests because they can easily be used to cheat, especially if programmed to do so.

When students take the SAT and ACT, they are required to write their essays in pen. The essay is graded by a teacher who reads it out loud, and the student must answer questions about what was read.

If a student has memorized answers for every question, he or she may be able to answer correctly on his or her first try.

If a student uses a calculator instead of writing out an answer, it will be much easier to answer all the questions correctly on their first try. Instead of thinking about what each word means and how it relates to other words, he or she could simply punch in the numbers from memory.

How to handle the tests without a calculator

The best way to handle tests without need for such assistance is to master the content. Here, it takes time to study technical courses, but it works well if you do. Here are some tips to help you not only pass the test but also get a great grade:

1. Be prepared

If you have studied well and have done your homework, you should be able to answer any question on the test. If you are unsure about an answer, write down your best guess and reread and check it again.

2. Read the question carefully

Handling Tests without Calculators

You can’t calculate anything if you don’t understand what’s being asked of you.

This is especially true if there are multiple-choice questions on the test; there are no wrong answers, but choosing the wrong one can still lead to confusion and frustration at the moment.

3. Identify what type of question it is

Some questions have three parts; others are written in long form; others may have several steps in which each step must be completed before moving on to the next step. 

If you don’t know which kind of question it is, circle it so that you can see it easily when the time comes around for you to write down your answer choices under the question.

If a question asks for something too complicated for you, then make a note so you can study it later. You should be able to figure out how much time will be needed for each section of the test and ensure that this amount does not exceed what the teacher or professor requires.

4. Get organized

Another thing that students do when they take tests is to start writing down everything they know about the subject matter.

This works well in some cases, but sometimes there are subjects where this method doesn’t work so well because some information may be difficult to remember or won’t fit into a single sentence.

5. Don’t panic

Calculators are not required for all math questions, but most of the questions are solved with simple arithmetic operations. The following tips will help you to solve the math problem with ease.

  • Write down all numbers and operations used in the question.
  • Choose the answer that uses the least number of calculations (i.e., when you compare two answers, choose one that uses fewer calculations).
  • Simplify the answer using exponents or radicals (addition and subtraction by 3, 4, 5, and more).

6. Take a few practice tests online or at home before you go in for the real thing

Allowing Calculators during Tests

Take a few practice tests online or at home before you go in for the real thing.

If possible, take your tests under similar circumstances so that when it comes time to write on a blank piece of paper, you know exactly what they want from you and how they expect you to present your answer.

7. Don’t Study Math on the Day of the Test

You will not be able to use any information that you have learned in the past few weeks. Instead, take a break and come back when it’s time for other parts of the exam.

Why do they allow calculators on those allowed? 

The reason for allowing calculators on certain exams is that the calculator has been programmed to only answer one question. The student does not have to worry about pressing the wrong button or running out of batteries.

You can also use a calculator if you need to make a calculation that involves more than one step. For example, in an algebra class, you may be asked to solve an equation using your calculator.

When you are taking a test with very similar questions, it is best not to use the same calculator for each question. Doing this and making a mistake on one question could throw off your entire test score!

Generally, calculators are important for certain exams because of the following reasons: 

  • Calculator use is an integral part of the test-taking process. Calculators are used in many ways during a test.
  • Calculators are important because they help students to get the most out of their test-taking experience. They can help with calculations, time management, and problem-solving.
  • Calculators can also be used as a tool for learning. Students who have trouble remembering formulas or algorithms may find them easier to remember when they see them on a calculator screen or in an equation form.