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How to Write Visual Argument Essays: Pros and Cons of Visuals

Visual Argument Essays

If you have come across this article and made it here, you must be looking for practical tips to help you write effective visual argument essays.

Writing an effective visual argument is easier than you might think, but only if you know how. This guide will teach you the best way to help you improve your visual essays.

What is the meaning of a Visual Argument?

using visual elements

 A visual argument is a claim that uses images alongside a few words to present a particular idea. Visual arguments are also non-verbal, which means they do not use language alone to communicate their message.

The main purpose of visual arguments is to make an idea more easily understood by the audience, especially if they are less familiar with the subject matter. This makes it easier for the audience to be swayed by the visual argument and understand what you’re trying to say.

For example, when you want to tell someone about something, you could use a video clip to make it easier for them to understand what you’re trying to say. You don’t have to be an expert in that field yourself; instead, just choose one of your favorite clips from YouTube and share it with them.

If possible, try finding videos with high production values so that there is more clarity in terms of what’s being presented. With a little practice, anyone can start making their visuals!

What is a Visual Argument Essay?

A visual argument essay is a type of persuasive essay that uses visual evidence to support its claims. A visual argument essay is an argumentative essay that includes photos or illustrations. Using visuals in your argumentative essays is a good idea, especially if you want to make your points stronger.

A visual argument essay is a form of persuasion and can use to persuade people by showing them how they feel about something. The pictures can also help you explain your points and make them more memorable.

a visual story

You can also use pictures in your persuasive PowerPoint presentation or any other presentation that requires visual elements, such as a video or documentary.

How to write a visual Argument Essay

Brainstorm and Research for your paper

Researching your topic thoroughly is one of the most important parts of essay writing. You need to find out all the information you can about your topic, including the opinions and opinions of others.

Brainstorming is the process of generating multiple ideas for a paper. First, you need to gather information about your topic. You could do this by reading articles or books about the topic and looking up relevant websites.

Next, you should think about organizing your ideas into an argument. A good way to do this is by writing down all the points you find interesting and important in your research. These might include facts, statistics, quotes, or arguments from experts or even other people who have similar interests as yourself.

Gather Relevant Images and Videos

Visual argument essays require gathering pictures and videos related to your topic. These items can be found on any number of websites or textbooks.

match relevant images

You should make sure that the images you choose are relevant, though, so that they support your thesis. It’s also important not to use too many images since this can make it difficult for readers to follow along.

Put your Essay together

The most important thing you need to do when writing an essay is to organize your ideas into a logical structure. An argument essay will begin with a thesis statement and end with some sort of conclusion.

The thesis statement should be the main idea of your essay. It should be clear and concise but also supported by evidence that shows why you believe what you do.

Once you’ve settled on a thesis statement, it’s time to develop your argumentative skills! To ensure that your reader understands what you want them to know, use examples, metaphors and analogies to help clarify your points.

In addition to developing arguments based on facts and concepts, you should also consider how the audience might react to different information or perspectives. This can help show them where they disagree with your viewpoints and how they might change their minds based on these new facts or arguments.

Tips and ideas for a Visual Argument Essay

1. Be accurate

The first tip is to be accurate. If you are using pictures in your argument, you must use the best quality pictures possible.

unclear image

The easiest way to do this is to go online and look at other visual arguments that have been done before. This will help you see how other people have used their photos and what works well and what doesn’t.

It will also give you some ideas about what kind of pictures work best with each specific piece of writing you are trying to write.

2. Use clear visuals

One of the most important things to do is ensure that your visuals are clear and easy to understand.

For example, if you were writing about a problem in your community, you would want to show how people are affected by it. Show what steps are taken by the government or others within the community to solve this problem.

You can use photos or other images to help make this point. You could also use charts and graphs that show how many people have been affected by this problem and how many resources have been spent trying to solve it.

3. Add good text

A visual argument essay will require you to add some text to it. You can use this space to write about your opinion on the topic, or you can use it to give examples of things that support your argument.

The most important thing is that you make sure that your text is well-written and edited so that it looks professional. In addition, make sure that there are no typos in the text because this will make the reader think less of you and make your paper seem unprofessional.

4. Be brief

The visual argument essay is a visual essay, meaning you must make it visually appealing. This is something that can be achieved by keeping the images short and simple but also by using specific fonts and colors meant to attract your audience’s attention.

writing visual essay

You can also use different camera angles or perspectives to give your audience more information about what you are trying to say.

Pros and cons of visual argument essays


Here are some advantages of using visual arguments:

  • It helps to connect with the audience better because pictures are easier to understand than words. When people can see something, they have a better chance of understanding it better.
  • It is also easier to understand when you have visuals in your essay because you don’t need to read between the lines or guess what might happen based on your knowledge of English and its grammar rules.

You just need to look at what’s being shown in front of you and make sense of it by reading it out loud or writing down what you understood from the text.


  • It requires more time: If you want your paper to be graded properly, then you should ensure that your work is well-done and professional. However, this aspect becomes a bit more challenging when it comes to visual argument essays. You need to create an image for every aspect of your argument so that other readers and judges can easily understand it.
  • The paper is too long: The length of the paper can be an issue if you don’t have a lot of time to complete it. You need to make sure that your writing skills match the task at hand.